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Today on FriChats, we are talking about the Beautiful Blogger Myth. First, FriChats are mini episodes of the Chopped Podcast, where Marly and Cara Ansis do “Friday Chats,” jamming on topics of interest to people like you, food bloggers, creative entrepreneurs, and more! If you’re loving our FriChats, you should check out our previous episode on The Secret of Success and Branding vs. Authenticity.
This week Cara and Marly are giving tips on the Beautiful Blogger Myth.
Marly confesses that when she goes to a successful site and sees that it’s operated by a beautiful person, she sometimes thinks, “Oh sure, of course you’re successful. You’re beautiful.”
Cara breaks this down. They talk about hidden beliefs, confidence, how beautiful people work hard too, how we can all tap into beautiful.
Hidden beliefs are those things that we say to ourselves below the surface that start running the show. Things like, “Beautiful people are more successful.”
You can see how a statement like that can be defeating on so many levels. It implies that beauty is the only thing that matters. We talk about the pressures women face beginning as a teenager and even younger, to be beautiful. It’s not enough to have skills and to be accomplished, we have to be perfect in every area! President Obama recently wrote a piece for Glamour Magazine talking about the undue pressure on women (see the link below).
Did you see the Twitter war that was started against actress Leslie Jones for her role in the remake of the movie Ghost Busters (see link below)? It’s no wonder women become preoccupied by their looks. For example, think about the original Ghost Busters movie. Who was one of the leading characters? Bill Murray. It’s not as if he was a hunky leading man, but none of us women were outraged by his role!
It’s quite a double standard that we women face. And Marly admits that she sees some of the same behavior in herself when she’s crediting successful sites only for the beauty of the blogger.
Cara and Marly talk about the real character trait to focus on is confidence. They talk about how we all can cultivate more of that in our lives and in our blogs.
Check back with us each Friday to get your FriChat on!
In case you’re curious, here’s how we feel about Fridays.
Here are some of our favorite quotes from today’s the Beautiful Blogger Myth episode!
Our worth is not determined by how luscious our hair is and the size of our waist. #frichats Share on X How powerful is that for a successful woman to own who she is and to own who she is. #frichats #choppedpodcast Share on X Success isn't determined on how I look; success is determined by how I feel as a person. #frichats #choppedpodcast Share on X It's not beauty, it's confidence that drives people to success. #frichats #choppedpodcast Share on X We don't need to be gorgeous, we need to be confident and maybe the confidence is what makes us gorgeous. #frichats Share on X I retrained my brain to think that beautiful is not only in the other camp; it can be in my camp too. #frichats #choppedcon Share on X In my own unique way I can feel the beauty that's in me. #frichats #choppedcon Share on X Being authentic is a daily practice. #frichats #choppedcon Share on X Confidence is something we can all cultivate in our own lives. #frichats #choppedcon Share on XOur goal at ChoppedCon is to help you be your best. We hope this discussion on the Beautiful Blogger Myth is helpful to the important work you’re doing every day!
Now, go forth and Be Your Best You!
Featured Content – FriChats: Beautiful Blogger Myth
Here are some of the highlights of today’s post:
- Marly introduces today’s topic about the Beautiful Blogger Myth
- We talk about how the concept of beauty and its impact on female development begins at a young age
- You know, beauty is an issue of perspective, so we definitely discussed that!
- Cara describes how she lost weight and how that changed her perspective on beauty
- We talk about quirky beauty – how many of us have quirky features that makes us even more beautiful…once we learn to accept them
- We talk about jealousy and how to accept everyone for their hard work and confidence
- Marly talks about confidence and how to grow more of that in your life
More from Marly & Chopped
- Connect with Chopped Academy Online: Instagram | Twitter
- Connect with Marly: Namely Marly | Instagram | Twitter
- Related Post: FriChats: Why You Should Quit Blogging
- Related Post: FriChats: Blogging is Not a Popularity Contest
- Learn about Marly’s life coach, Jay Pryor
- President Obama’s article, This is What Feminism Looks Like
- Leslie Jone’s Twitter Battle Over Ghost Busters
- Production, music, graphic art & sound design by Shawn Beelman
- Learn about future Chopped Podcast episodes and get some awesome tips on food blogging by subscribing to the ChoppedCon newsletter. Just add your email in the subscribe section at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
More from Cara
- Connect with Cara Online: Instagram | Twitter
- Connect with Cara’s site Fork and Beans
- Check out Cara on the Chopped Podcast talking about Finding Your Voice on Instagram
- Cara talks about the book Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley
Want to suggest a topic for our next episode? Send an email to Marly.
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Thanks so much for listening to today’s podcast. I hope you found it informative and helpful to the work you do every day. Make sure you don’t miss out on any of the Chopped Podcast episodes by heading on over to iTunes to subscribe to the Chopped Podcast. While you’re there, provide a review and rating is a great way to help other podcast listeners find it too! That’s it for today’s podcast. As always, thanks so much for joining in the discussion!