Blog: Cultivating Creativity

This quote from Oprah Winfrey on creating the highest, grandest vision of your life, fits perfectly with the FriChats discussion between Cara & Marly on why you need to let go of your Fear of Being a Leader (FOBAL)Ep #137: FriChats – Fear of Being a Leader

Do you have FOBAL? Not sure? Marly describes FOBAL as Fear of Being a Leader and you know when you have it because it leaves you full of ideas but afraid of taking action on them…because that would require you to be a leader. Marly and Cara talk about ways you can take on FOBAL and you might be a little surprised at Cara’s “punched in the face” solution!


Today on the Chopped Podcast, Cara and Marly are talking about Growing Confidence. It's an important conversation in our ongoing #FriChats series.Ep #134: FriChats – Growing Confidence

If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you be growing confidence in the work you’re doing? Cara and Marly answer this question and more on today’s episode of FriChats. It’s a big stumbling block for a lot of bloggers, but once you grow in confidence, there’s no stopping you!


Welcome to the Wild West of Food Blogging, a Frichats discussion with Cara Ansis of Fork and Beans and Marly McMillen of Namely Marly.Ep #133: FriChats – Wild West of Food Blogging

Marly and Cara are doing Frichats today talking about the Wild West of Food Blogging. If you feel like you’re making it up as you go along, just know most all of us feel the same way. And even as you seek rules by which you can work, know that trusting your own path too.


Picture of Marly and Cara with the text "Frichats, The Chopped Podcast"Ep #132: FriChats – Create Content You Love

Today on Frichats, Cara and Marly are talking about how to Create Content You Love. In today’s world of productivity and social media frenzies, it’s easy to get lost in all the things we SHOULD do. Cara and Marly are reminding you to make sure you take time to do the things you love, like creating content that makes you proud.
