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If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list, you’ll love hearing Catherine McCord of Weelicious talk about how she uses a positive outlook for productivity. Some days can be really stressful, but the more you can find your inner smile to guide you, the more you can tap into the joy of your creativity. Do you feel yourself inspired by the creativity of food blogging? If so, then read Marly’s Hierarchy of Creativity for even more inspiration. Or listen to Marly and Ali Ebright talk about Food Blogger Inspiration.
Today we’re sharing a blogger discussion with Catherine McCord of Weelicious (see link below). I was so glad to have the chance to chat with Catherine about why she started her blog, how her blog grew over time, and most importantly, how she does it all!
It’s so nice to hear someone like Catherine talk about their journey as a food blogger. She not only has a food blog where she posts three recipes a week, but she also has One Potato (see link below), an organic, family-focused meal prep delivery service. Catherine has appeared in People, Self, and Real Simple Magazine. She’s also appeared on Good Morning America, the Today Show, and more.
We all have a lot going and and my hope is that Catherine’s advice might strike a chord with you. She’s a positivity pusher, and that’s what helps her stay focused on getting her work down. It’s all about finding a positive outlook for productivity
You know, I love that positivity vibe too!
In fact, I’ll have more to share on that topic soon because I’m reading a book about the importance of positivity in tennis. You know me and my tennis anaologies!
Here’s the deal, in tennis it’s easy to get down on yourself in a match. And it’s so easy to think, “If I can just be super hard on myself, then I will compel myself to perform better.” The problem is, it doesn’t work like that.
The more you stay negative, the more negative you will feel, and the more you tense up. You cannot play your best when you are tense.
On the flip side, the more you can stay positive and focused on having fun on the tennis court? Well, that’s when the magic happens and you are more able to stay relaxed and playing your best.
I just happen to think the same is true for life…and food blogging. 🙂
I heard a similar concept from Catherine on how she gets it all done. She finds strength in positivity, thus making her more productive as well.
Of course there are some days where it’s difficult to have fun with it. Maybe you’ve got deadlines looming, and everything is coming down on you at once. We’ve all been there. But the more you can move your mindset to a place of positivity, the happier you’ll be with the work of being a food blogger.
Tips on Positive Outlook for Productivity
Here are a couple of tips that help me find a positive outlook for productivity on stressful days:
- Stop trying to resist the negativity. What we resist persists. Sometimes it’s best to give it a few minutes of your attention. Address it head-on. I use my journal and write my anger and frustration on the page. Then look at what you’ve written. Feel it. Then you can take a deep breath and move on.
- Use external sources to help you get positive, like music. I love listening to the Indigo Girls. Even though some of their lyrics can be serious, most of their songs have such an optimistic vibe. I’m usually happy when I’m listening to them. I do not include Hey Kind Friend on my listening list. That song makes me cry every time.
- Go for a walk. Creative souls have written prolifically on the advantages of walking to restore your spirit. I have found it to be true myself. If you’re in a creative rut or feeling down, go for a walk. Listen to a podcast, or just be with yourself.
- Work out. If you need something more than a walk, then go to a gym or do your favorite workout. There’s nothing like a little sweat to get the creative juices going!
- Go get caffeinated. I’m not a big caffeine person myself (there’s a back story to this — I have fibrocystic disease which means I can only have minimal caffeine. It’s probably why I love tea so much.) However, I do find great value in working at a coffee shop sometimes. Like Catherine mentions in this episode, food blogging can be too lonely. Sometimes we need to get out and about and I find coffee shops to be a great way to do that.
- Collaborate. I love how Catherine mentions her desire for collaboration. I feel exactly the same way. I love collaborating with others and it’s one of the biggest things I miss from my corporate days. Find a way to expand your team — even if that means a couple of trusted colleagues that you share ideas and brainstorm with. I do that with Shawn. We talk regularly about the work we’re doing together on our sites. I also call Cara regularly (hi Cara!), and we discuss ideas we’re both considering. And I have a virtual assistant that does some social media sharing for me on Namely Marly. I hope to be expanding my team more soon as well because I do love the spirit of collaboration and leadership that comes from it.
I hope those tips on creating a positive outlook for productivity is helpful.
So let’s get straight to it. Here’s today’s feature interview with Catherine McCord.
Show Notes
This episode on Positive Outlook for Productivity mentions resources you’ll want to check out:
- Connect with Catherine at Weelicious
- Learn about Catherine’s One Potato family meal service
- Say thanks to our guest today with a shout-out on: Instagram or Twitter
- Related Post: Traci York talks about Work Life Balance for Food Bloggers
- Related Post: Cara and Marly talk about Creativity for Food Bloggers
- Connect with Chopped Academy Online: Instagram | Twitter
- Connect with Marly: Namely Marly | Instagram | Twitter
- Today’s post production, music, graphic art & sound design by Shawn Beelman
- Subscribe below to be the first to hear about future Chopped Podcast episodes and get some awesome tips on food blogging. You can subscribe at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
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