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Have you ever wondered about how to grow your facebook page? If Facebook is a social media platform that you’re trying to get a handle on, you’re going to love today’s episode of the Chopped Podcast. Come join us! If you’re hankering for more details on social media, listen in to Davida Kugelmass talking about SnapChat or Jen Hermann alking about Instagram.
Today’s guest, Erin Sellin, of the Dinners Dishes and Dessert (see link below), is talking about how to grow your facebook page. If you’ve decided to throw your fan page out with the bath water because it just seems too impossible to grow, Erin has some encouraging news for you: it’s not too late to add some zip to your Facebook page!
It’s easy to think that the big Facebook followers all got there awhile ago, back in the days when Facebook turned on the follower spigot. In those days it seemed easier to grow a Facebook page – simply build it and they would come.
Erin agrees that it’s not quite as easy as it used to be, but she’s uncovered a few tricks that can help you grow your Facebook page. She speaks from experience because she’s done it! Listen to the interview to hear how she did it!
You can’t be the best at every social media platform, especially at the beginning. That’s why Erin suggests understanding the demographics of your audience and choosing to target the social media platform that they’re most likely to be on. For Erin’s audience, Facebook was a perfect target. It’s such sage advice – to be selective about your time, understand that you can’t do it all, and focus on the one or two social media platforms that either give you the most joy or the most Return on Effort.
Our goal at ChoppedCon is to help you be your best. We hope this interview with Erin Sellin on How to Grow your Facebook Page is helpful to the important work you’re doing every day!
Now, go forth and Be Your Best You!
Here are some of our favorite quotes from today’s episode:
The increased followers (from Facebook), just means more traffic Share on X If you see other people doing it and you're not invited, start your own! #choppedcon Share on X Being consistent is key so your readers are consistently used to seeing your stuff. #choppedcon Share on X If you look at the demographics of your blog and the demographics of your reader, you can pick the social media they're going to be on. #choppedcon Share on XFeatured Content – How to Grow your Facebook Page
Here are some of the highlights of my discussion with Erin, where we discuss:
- How Erin started her food blog based on the advice from a friend
- The coincidence that helped Erin’s food photography take off
- How Erin has connected with other food bloggers to grow community
- Erin describes her Facebook stats from November 2015, when she began in earnest to grow her following there
- Erin talks about how she grew from around 15,000 followers at Thanksgiving 2015 to 61,500 at the time of this interview (June, 2016)
- She goes into specifics of the things that helped her grow her following
- Erin shares advice for new food bloggers
Show Notes
This episode includes references to some resources you might find interesting. Here they are:
- Learn more about today’s guest, Erin Sellin on her site Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts
- Why not give Erin a shout-out on Twitter and Instagram to say thanks for the Chopped Podcast interview!
- Related Episode: Check out this episode featuring Kathy Patalsky of Finding Vegan talking about Social Media for Food Bloggers
- Erin talks about Facebook strategies she heard by Holly Homer of Quirky Momma. You can listen to the interview with Holly on Social Media Examiner
- Buy your ticket to the 2016 Chopped Conference and hear Jessica Merchant, Ali Ebright, Emma Chapman and more speak!
- Connect with Chopped Academy Online: Instagram | Twitter
- Connect with Marly: Namely Marly | Instagram | Twitter
- Production, music, graphic art & sound design by Shawn Beelman
- Learn about future Chopped Podcast episodes and get some awesome tips on food blogging by subscribing to the ChoppedCon newsletter. Just add your email in the subscribe section at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
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Thanks so much for listening to today’s podcast. I hope you found it informative and helpful to the work you do every day. Make sure you don’t miss out on any of the Chopped Podcast episodes by heading on over to iTunes to subscribe to the Chopped Podcast. While you’re there, provide a review and rating is a great way to help other podcast listeners find it too! That’s it for today’s podcast. As always, thanks so much for joining in the discussion!
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