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We hear it all the time — the blogging world is saturated. It’s harder and harder to be successful as a blogger, let alone a food blogger. If you’re thinking that too, then you’ll be inspired to listen to today’s interview on How to Be a Successful First Year Blogger with Mariah Mercurio. You’ll be surprised with the results Mariah achieved in her first year as a food blogger!

My biggest goal was to create a schedule and a process for myself. — Mariah Mercurio #choppedpodcast Share on X If you're wondering if you can monetize with low page views, you can. You do not have to have a million page views to make money. — Mariah Mercurio #choppedpodcast Share on X

I completely was able to replace the money I was making from working full-time from the blog. Just know it takes time and you have to continue to put the work in and it will happen. — Mariah Mercurio

Our goal at ChoppedCon is to help you be your best. We hope these tips on how to be a successful first year blogger withe Mariah Mercurio is helpful to the important work you’re doing every day!

Now, go forth and Be Your Best You!

Featured Content – How to be a Successful First Year Blogger with Mariah Mercurio

Here are some of the highlights of my discussion with Mariah, where we discuss:

  • Learn about why Mariah started her food blog
  • Mariah had support from her husband to get started as a blogger
  • How Mariah developed her food photography skills
  • Mariah talks about how creating a schedule was very important for her success
  • Mariah had big goals for her blog, and she talks about how she achieved those
  • Why Mariah has decided to start over as a blogger
  • What Mariah’s goals are with the new blog she’s starting
  • Mariah talks about her favorite Pinterest strategies
  • Mariah also talks about her overall social media sharing strategies

Show Notes

This episode includes references to some resources you might find interesting. Here they are:


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