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If you thought food blogging would be one continuous path to success, join the club. However, that “build it and they will come” model is more like fantasy than reality. Today’s guest, Lindsay Moe, is here talking about Pushing Past Roadblocks. Look, roadblocks happen. Sometimes they slow you down. However, Lindsay shares great advice on how to not let them derail you entirely from reaching your goals.

About Lindsay
Lindsay has a background in video production and as a result, she was hesitant at times to add video to her food blog. That’s only because she had very high standards! She started her blog, The Live-In Kitchen (see link below), to help other home cooks wanting to expand their cooking skills.
She also so a niche for vegetarian cooks who had non-vegetarian family members they were cooking for. If you think about it, this can be a problem for any family. Lindsay’s unique voice and attention to beautiful photography has made a difference to her blog.
However, she had to grow it along the way and at times the road seemed difficult.
Pushing Past Roadblocks
It’s not easy being a food blogger. We envision everyone has a perfectly straight path to success, but that’s not usually the case. Even for those food blogs that have had a fairly quick ascent, many of them started other blogs first.
Lindsay actually took a break from food blogging and found that her passion for it returned as a result.
Another roadblock Lindsay experienced recently was having her kids around more often because of the quarantine. Lindsay recommends finding ways to have grace on yourself during times like this. Her point is that you’re in business for yourself. That means, you’re your own boss. You should treat yourself with compassion as a result.

Show Notes
Here are important links from today’s discussion on Pushing Past Roadblocks with Lindsay Moe:
- Connect with Lindsay on her site: The Live-In Kitchen.
- Say thanks to our guest today with a shout-out: The Live-In Kitchen on Instagram
- Lindsay talks about her Wildflour Media YouTube Channel where she gives tips on shooting food videos.
- Lindsay mentions the memoire by Ruthie Lindsey called There I Am.
- If you’re looking to improve your food photography, Lindsay used the book Plate to Pixel to help with styling and photography tips
- Want to learn more about food video? Join Lindsay’s Wildflour Media Facebook group
- Connect with Chopped Academy Online: Instagram | Twitter
- Related Post: I love this chat with Jessica of How Sweet Eats on Finding Your Blogging Passion.
- Connect with Marly: Namely Marly | Instagram | Twitter
- Today’s post production, music, graphic art & sound design by Shawn Beelman
- Subscribe below to be the first to hear about future Chopped Podcast episodes and get some awesome tips on food blogging. You can subscribe at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
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Podcast Interview Transcript
[00:00:00] Marly McMillen: Hey, everyone. I’m happy to have on the show today, Lindsey Moe she’s with the site, the living kitchen. Hi Lindsey, and welcome to the chop podcast.
Lindsay Moe: Hi Marly. Thanks for having me.
Marly McMillen: I am so glad to have you on the show today. First of all, I mean, I can’t believe I haven’t had you on the show before, because we’ve met in person a couple of times now for you came to the chopped conference and we met at a conference in Virginia, I think probably the year before that.
And so, you know, I feel like we’ve known each other for a while now and yet, this is the first time you were on the show. So I’m excited.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, me too. It’s great to talk to you again.
Marly McMillen: Yes. Do you continue to go to food, blogging conferences?
Lindsay Moe: yeah, I’ve been to the Mediavine conference and was supposed to go to EFC for the first time this year. But of course, that got pushed back and we’ll see if that happens or not. But I like to go once a year, so it’s nice to connect with people and get away when you’re stuck at home all the time, [00:01:00] working from home, get out, be with grownups.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, exactly. And get kind of fresh inspiration and things like that. Yeah, I love that. So can you, I just love this question just to, you know, I realize I haven’t had this conversation with you yet, which is what is it that caused you to start your blog?
Lindsay Moe: I started in 2011. I had a two year old and a six month old and I had been a stay at home mom for about a year and a half. And. Before I became a mom, I had just started teaching myself how to cook. And people were kind of asking me for recipes that I was trying and things. And I had been reading a few food blogs to kind of teach myself and get into it.
And I was like, well, I could do this. This could be fun. I needed like a creative outlet, something to do and use my brain. And so I just dove in.
Marly McMillen: That’s great. I love it. And, and how did you come up with the name? The Live-In Kitchen.
Lindsay Moe: I felt like I was living in the kitchen all [00:02:00] the time, trying to feed my family. And it just felt like a good fit. If I had to start now, I’d probably choose a different name just because it has a hyphen people get confused on how to pronounce it, but it’s been there so long now, probably stick with it.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, that’s right. At some point, you’re just like, you know, I’ve thought about that with my blog name, because it has nothing to do with food. And yet there’s some other sites that don’t have food or kitchen or things like that in their name. And they do fine too, but it’s like, yeah, it’s funny how we can go back to those times when we started it and then how it’s kind of evolved and, Oh, well, what if you had a magic ball?
We would know, right. Do you think back to those days when you first started like, gosh, like how, how much or how little we knew about what we were doing at the time and now where we are is so different.
Lindsay Moe: It is so different. I feel like people who start now have such a leg up because there’s so much information out there. People are so willing to be open and help, but we all have to grow and change with the [00:03:00] times. Even those people will have to change eventually. So everything’s always changing.
Marly McMillen: No, that’s so true. There was this kind of attitude of helping back then, but it wasn’t anything like it is today.
Lindsay Moe: And I started feeling like I knew what I was doing and I totally didn’t like, I was like, these photos are great, but they’re not
Marly McMillen: Oh, I had no clue. I, in fact, you know, as I’m going through and updating old content, I just catch myself laughing at myself so much. Like what I thought, what was I thinking? And it, yeah. Anyway, cracks me up.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I’ve been updating old content a lot too. I was trying not to post more than one new recipe a month this year. And of course now everything’s different, but still hoping to update or get rid of a lot of things.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, let’s talk about that some more in a minute. I think that how people are dealing with this current quarantine situation is [00:04:00] it’s just the, it’s very interesting times that we live in. So I definitely want to talk with you about that, but first I want to ask you, so you started cooking like a year and a half before.
So had you, had you ever thought you might be interested in cooking before that, or was that just kind of a new concept for you?
Lindsay Moe: No, I didn’t really grow up in like a food culture. Like we were a meat and potatoes family pretty much ate the same thing every week. And once I got married, it was falling on me to cook dinner. And I was like, I don’t know what to cook. I don’t know how to cook anything. I’m not enjoying this. I don’t like the food.
So I figured if I’m going to have to do this for the rest of my life, I better figure it out. And I guess I did.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. I also like how on your about page, you talk about how you’re vegetarian, but your family is not, and you figure in your audience, there are probably a lot of people who are like that as well. And so I think that’s great to provide, you know, smaller recipes for people who like maybe they want to create a vegetarian dish that goes [00:05:00] along with the other things that they’re cooking.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, it’s a really interesting niche. I wish it was a little bigger, maybe bigger of an audience, but it’s nice to connect with people who are maybe trying out meatless meals for the first time, or, you know, my site really caters to people who have to cook for a wide range of. Dietary needs and they don’t know what to do.
And so I try to offer a lot of customization options for them.
Marly McMillen: I love that. I think, , it’s a problem that’s out there and, and finding a way to help solve that is pretty awesome.
Lindsay Moe: It’s a really kind community too, because I’ve found that, you know, not all vegetarians and vegans can be militaristic about it, but some can get a little passionate. And so this way just everybody’s welcome and we try new things and it’s fun.
Marly McMillen: You and me are on the same page on that. Cause I call myself a secular vegan because I’m just, I’m just not into the, [00:06:00] all the rules and religion of it. I’m more into, you know, Hey, let’s all be on this together. Whatever, whatever way we can be in this together, let’s do this.
Lindsay Moe: that’s great.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. Okay. So I am just curious about how it comes to food with food photography, because I feel like some people walk into, you know, I guess it’s, this is a twofold question.
One, did you, did you start your blog thinking that this could be a business for you? And when you got to that point, when you realized the photography really mattered, did you already know what you were going to do with that? Or did you have to kind of beef up your photography skills?
Lindsay Moe: I did not start my blog thinking it would be a business. I feel like when I started shortly after that, Maybe a few people were just starting to make a full time income from it. And that wasn’t really on my radar. It was just a hobby and a passion, but I came into it thinking I knew a lot about photography.
I had taken a lot of photography courses in college, but I feel like [00:07:00] food photography and videography is just a totally different thing. Like it takes totally different skills. And I spent some time reading, I think I read tasty food photography by Lindsay Ostrom and there was another print book that I read that I can’t remember the name of, but it’s the one that everybody reads.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, I think I’ve got it in my bookshelf, but I can’t see it right now. Yes. I agree with you. Food photography is something I think looks so easy and yet it is so complicated and hard.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. And I like to think I’m doing better now, but I would also like to think that I can still improve and we’ll get better all the time.
Marly McMillen: Yes. I mean, I find that both encouraging and discouraging, I don’t know how you feel about that, but I’m encouraged because I’m so much better than, you know, the photography on our site is so much better than it used to be and discouraged to know that a year from now I might look back at what I’m doing and think, Oh, why didn’t I do this year?
[00:08:00] Lindsay Moe: Yeah. Some of the recipes I reshot a couple of years ago, and now I look back on them and it’s like, do I do it again? That, that doesn’t seem okay.
Marly McMillen: it’s one thing to redo it, but it’s another thing to re redo it. Yes. I have some recipes like that too. And sometimes it’s just things that are so obvious. Like how did I miss that? Lack of mold or whatever that were dark spot that was on the cutting board that, that cookie was sitting on or whatever, you know, it’s like, I don’t know how I, maybe there was a part of me that was a little bit like, Oh, I just want to get this done.
And so I’m trying to, in my current day, I’m trying to be a little bit more, first of all, if I play some music or make the environment feel fun, then it kind of gets me out of that. Get her done mindset and just push through and get it done, you know?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, there are a few photos that I’ve gone back and just re edited instead of reshooting to better match the style that I’m going for now. So it’s a little bit easier way to do it.
Marly McMillen: That’s really good. Oh, that’s a very good point. So you can kind [00:09:00] of crop in on an old photo or brighten it up or things like that, and it matches more what you’re going for. Oh, that’s a great idea. I’ve done that too. When it comes to sharing things on Pinterest, even if I have an old posts that I haven’t, I don’t have time to update the photos on it right now.
I’ll go ahead and, you know, crop in and brighten up an add. Maybe it added as, a collage and put it back on Pinterest that way.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, Pinterest is tricky because I don’t know if people want good photos or bad photos. I feel like they relate better to the bad photos and maybe they’ll be more likely to click on it and make it. But I spent a season trying to really curate my Pinterest feed, what I was pinning and only doing like top notch photography, no text.
And it didn’t work well. People want it a little more real. I think.
Marly McMillen: Oh, I see what you’re saying. So for you, you found that, having your photos look a little more real for Pinterest does better. Interesting. You know, I, I [00:10:00] just published an interview with Nicole Barker. She has a VA service where she helps people with their Pinterest. And she said these words, which I thought was so powerful, and that is every vendor’s account is different.
So I actually liked this statement. She said to keep your eyes on your own Pinterest account, because we can look at other people’s and say, Oh, she’s doing all these pretty photos, or she’s doing this. And then we think that’s the way to do it. But in reality, you have to be attuned to your own audience.
Lindsay Moe: And it’s so frustrating when you want your audience to be the pretty photo audience. And they’re like, no, we want the ugly cold cheese photo.
Marly McMillen: whatever works, right? Yes. Okay. So what did you do before you were a food blogger?
Lindsay Moe: I worked for a home shopping network, not the home shopping network, but I edited videos for their website. I would take, you know, their live show and cut. Individual sales down into about a minute and put it on their product page. [00:11:00] So it was a lot like recipe videos. It’s strange now looking back, seeing how similar it was.
And it was interesting because that was during the time that I was learning how to cook, kind of teaching myself from food, blogs and cookbooks, and they had. Kind of a celebrity chef who would sell the kitchen things on the channel. And he hosted a cooking demo for some of the employees one year. And I went to that and came away just really feeling like I can do this.
I can cook. And I would make those recipes all the time and I’d be like, look at me. I can do it.
Marly McMillen: Yes. So, and is that one of the things that kind of inspired you to, I don’t know, how do I say this? Like to improve your cooking skills?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, it definitely gave me some confidence. And it’s interesting how that job kind of translated into food, blogging, you know, food blogging, wasn’t a job then, but for it to be so closely related [00:12:00] and help, you know, spur me into that was, it was good.
Marly McMillen: No, I do think that there are things that we do in our careers that help us in ways that were, we have no idea that it’s going to be part of our future. And so it’s kind of cool to look back on that and see how, how it’s helped you today.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I feel like it held me back a little bit too, because I had a video background. I hesitated to get into food videos because I couldn’t afford the right equipment. I didn’t want to do it. If the quality wasn’t going to be there. But eventually I just dove in and I feel like that was the best thing anyone could do is just start and do it.
And it won’t be perfect, but you’ll learn as you go and always get better.
Marly McMillen: Oh, my God. That’s such great advice. I don’t remember what I was watching recently that talked about the, Oh, I listened to a podcast. It was actually talking about performance and they said this. They had this expert on performance, actually say that very thing that we’re so consumed with [00:13:00] perfection, that we don’t realize that nothing is perfect.
And so you really should just strive for excellence. The most excellence you can have in that moment. And I think that’s good advice and that’s great. So, and also the boom of video editing technology is, seems like it’s gotten so much better so that the things that you have at home, maybe, I mean, I’m sure it’s not as good as what you had at the company, but it’s getting there.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, video editing hasn’t changed too much. I don’t feel like in the years, it was more getting a camera that could take good quality and audio, things like that.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, exactly. And so do you do a lot of video on your, on your blog?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, for a long time, I was doing a video with every recipe. And then I started to feel like that was maybe a little bit overkill. And so now I’m being a little more selective with which recipes I choose to do a video for. I find that videos are most useful for me on Facebook and Pinterest. And I’ve [00:14:00] kind of got it figured out, which.
Type of recipes. My audience want to see there. So that helps me make my decisions.
Marly McMillen: What about with Instagram? Do you don’t use video there?
Lindsay Moe: I have a few times and they just fall super flat. I wonder if I was more consistent about it, if it would catch on, but I haven’t found a way to schedule videos to Instagram yet. I do a lot of scheduling there, so I don’t spend a lot of time on the platform and I don’t want to have to go in so often to upload them.
Marly McMillen: Yes, it is trickier to upload videos to Instagram. I believe I started doing some just kind of slow motion videos of, of recipes I was creating. And I got a lot of good interaction from that. So maybe that’s a little bit like what you were saying. It’s it’s like this hand, it’s not professional level at all.
Just, with using my phone and super slow Mo and I got some really good interaction where I’m going to do more of that. I think that’s maybe what you were saying about Pinterest is how I feel about Instagram on video. They seem to like more of the home grown [00:15:00] version. I don’t know,
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I’ve seen those slow motion videos, and they are enticing. Everybody wants to watch, you know, like bad or being stirred.
Marly McMillen: talk about food, pour and I mean, that’s really what that is. Like. I need some sultry music in the background.
Lindsay Moe: but that’s a good point about how each platform kind of has its own type of video that does better. And I think that’s the best thing people can do with video is if you’re shooting one, try to figure out how to make it work for multiple platforms, you know, make the most of your investment.
Marly McMillen: Oh, that is so smart. So you can see one that like maybe Facebook, versus YouTube would be a little bit longer and Facebook would be a little bit shorter. I mean, those are kind of some examples.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I actually, when I’m editing my videos, I create one specifically for Instagram, every time just in case the scheduler ever gets there. So I’m ready to go.
Marly McMillen: That’s good. I heard somebody else say that why don’t just shoot overhead at the same time that you’re shooting face [00:16:00] on or whatever. So that, that way you have both videos. If you want to do the hands and pans and, and the, you know, the problem is I think for a lot of people, they don’t want to get behind the camera and actually, and talk, you know, or in front of the camera, I should say.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I’ve really wanted to get into hosting videos, but. It’s the same thing. I’m just giving myself the same problem. I don’t feel like I have the right space for it. My kitchen is really dark and ugly and
Marly McMillen: picture of you and your kids.
Lindsay Moe: that. Wasn’t my kitchen.
Marly McMillen: I was going to tell you, I love your kitchen,
Lindsay Moe: I love that kitchen too.
Marly McMillen: but it’s not yours. Oh, I’m in the same boat. My kitchen is dark as well and dark kitchens. I don’t know. I, I I’m just like bugging my husband every day. Like, let’s paint it white, but we haven’t done that yet.
Lindsay Moe: I’ve thought about setting up a fake background with like a table where I can cook at, but that feels like a whole thing. So I’ve already got a lot going. I need to stay in my
Marly McMillen: tell me how many people have dark kitchen. So maybe, I mean, [00:17:00] not everybody has an Instagram kitchen. Why not just be who you are and just go with it.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I feel like it would. Probably connect with people, but we’ll see.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. We’ll see. Yeah. So I get that. Okay. So we talked about photography. I am, and video. I really am curious about that. You know, like you you’ve been doing this since 2011, is that what you said? So. I mean, I think it’s easy to imagine other people just having this straight line of success when in reality, there’s all these kinds of roadblocks and ups and downs along the way.
Have you ever experienced anything like that? And if so, can you describe that? How, how it’s been for you?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, it’s been tough. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my blogging career. I had two more kids after I started my blog and, you know, everybody talks about it, but playing the comparison game is hard. When I see people who don’t have kids and maybe they started after me and they just skyrocket because they have all [00:18:00] this time to pour into their blog and.
It’s hard. Not to kind of wish that I could do that, but it’s also important to focus on what’s important to me in my life right now and know that it’s okay if I’m not at a million page views today and maybe I never will be, but I’m still at a better spot than I thought I would be, you know, six years ago.
And I actually took nine months off of blogging after having my last baby. And I always planned to come back. It’s hard to stay away. But, but I didn’t see any change in my traffic over those nine months. It didn’t go down. It didn’t go up. It just stayed, which I thought was amazing. And it was so good to take that time.
I came back so excited and ready to work and you know, my dad passed away a few years ago and so it was nice to have the flexibility of. You don’t have to post today. And we put all this pressure on ourselves to, [00:19:00] you know, stick to a schedule. Google wants us to be on a schedule and like posts regularly, but it’s okay.
You have to give yourself a little grace in those hard times, too. Just let whatever happens happen. And there’s always more time to work later. It’ll be fine.
Marly McMillen: You know, it’s so interesting because I’m taking a course called, Oh, I don’t know what it’s called, actually. But at the podcasts that corresponds with the course is called the happiness lab and her name is Laurie Santos and it’s on a program called Coursera. I’ll leave a link in the show notes page for anybody who wants to check it out, it’s free.
And I’m just been so almost shocked by, I mean, she’s a. She’s a researcher. She’s a believe she’s got a PhD and she’s teaching Yale students about happiness, but, she was surprised at how well the course is done, but I’m just so surprised to learn the things that we think are going to make us happy.
Don’t and so she’s obviously talking to these Yale students, so it’s about grades and it’s [00:20:00] about money and all these things, but I’m kind of translating all this into page views and followers and all that stuff that you think. That let’s say, you know, getting a million followers would on Instagram would make you happy.
And in reality, that is just not the truth. It’s like our mind or the perfect body is another example or there’s all these things that we think if we had those things, we’d be happy, but there’s just so much science. And she’s talking about kind of problems with our brains that tricks us into believing that that would be true, but it’s not.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I think it’s good to have goals and to stretch yourself, but there’s always going to be a bigger number beyond that goal.
Marly McMillen: Yes. What I love about this is that I think kind of freeing yourself from that. At least this is how I feel about for me and my perspective, freeing myself from that has made me feel like, Oh, now I can pursue those goals with current happiness, like. I don’t have to like, do all the things to make [00:21:00] that happen.
I can do the things to make me happy while I’m doing it. And that feels I’m actually enjoying my work a lot more.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I’ve been trying to tell myself on days where I have a lot of like physical work to do, especially with videos, it can be really exhausting, but just coming at it with gratitude and being thankful for, I get to be home. I get to do what I love. This is what I’m doing today. And I can just take it slow and not feel rushed.
And it’ll be good.
Marly McMillen: And part of that is like, you get to pursue the beauty of what you want. And, and rather than just get it done, like, in other words, if you want this video to look a certain way, maybe you have to do the recipe a couple of times or do that poor several times and clean up the mess and reshoot it. And it’s, it’s worth it because that’s part of your creative process.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. A few years ago. So my husband also was working from home and I was just blogging as a hobby still. he was bringing in. Most of our income and his business kind of took a turn for [00:22:00] the worst. And all of a sudden my income became more important and I felt like I needed to really step it up and hustle and make things work and make money.
And it’s hard to keep the joy going in that time. And it’s also hard. To stop doing that when it doesn’t need to happen anymore. You know, now, now that things are a little more stable, I have to tell myself you don’t need to keep working until 9:00 PM. You can take a break. The work will be here tomorrow.
It’ll be okay.
Marly McMillen: Well, it’s a little bit like riding a bike, right? Like there are times that you got to really pump to get up the Hill and then now, now you get to coast a little bit. So it’s a little bit like that. It sounds like that’s nice.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. That’s a great analogy for it.
Marly McMillen: And, and it’s like you say, finding the joy, how wonderful it is that, that you have the flexibility to do that.
You know what I mean? Like, whereas if you’re working for this job and they’re like expecting weekends and evenings all the time, you don’t get to go, Oh, I don’t think I’m going to do that right now.
Lindsay Moe: But we [00:23:00] also have to make sure we’re not telling ourselves to do that all the time. I’m definitely trying to take weekends off completely. Now. I was working a lot, but it’s good to take a break. You have to have something other then work, especially when so many of us started this as a hobby. I think it’s important to have other hobbies that you’re not trying to make money off of, or really achieve that.
Marly McMillen: I agree. And I feel the same way. Like I think when you’re working from home and you’ve been doing it for awhile, it’s easy to kind of like, let your project stretch a little bit. Do you know? Like, so I could find myself doing other things. I don’t know how to explain this, except that I find myself working every day.
A little bit every day, rather than like focusing hard during the Workday and getting these things done and letting myself have the weekend off. And I feel happier when I get the weekends off where I’m not blogging. I am, I am cleaning or, you know, like organizing or doing things around my house that I really, or maybe it’s even cooking, but it’s cooking for fun.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I think it’s different now a little bit, because [00:24:00] those of us that have kids at home and we have all these stay at home orders. And so we’re trying to handle schoolwork and childcare and. Still get things done. Sometimes that work needs to bleed into the other areas of the week.
Marly McMillen: How has that, how has that been for you? I’m especially interested in you because like I have a child, but she’s no longer at home. She’s moved out. So I’m kind of curious from a PR from the perspective of somebody who has children has that, I’m sure that’s gotta be complicated.
Lindsay Moe: Well, we’ve been on a real roller coaster this year, because up until. January, my husband and I both worked from home and we were homeschooling all four of our kids. And then in January we decided to send two of them to public school. And then in March they get sent home for the rest of the year. So. It’s just been a huge upheaval in our routine, but it’s interesting to see, like everybody else enter this world that we were in for eight years and realize it is [00:25:00] hard.
We did make a good decision in sending them to school finally. And it’s okay if. We’re not sitting down and teaching them for six hours a day. Kids are amazing and resilient and great at learning on their own. If you just give them a chance. And I think play is so important. Yeah. I just, I hope people aren’t trying too hard to teach their kids a public school education at home while they’re trying to work, because it’s nearly impossible.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, I would think so. And one thing I have noticed, like in our neighborhood, there are so many kids out playing that we have not seen in a long time. I think it’s because, you know, they’re not in soccer and all these, you know, running around at different places, all these different places they’re actually getting to play.
And it’s nice.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, and I think it’s important, especially now to try find time away from each other just alone time, because. Most people aren’t used to being together that much, especially with their kids. And it’s okay. That it feels hard [00:26:00] because it’s hard.
Marly McMillen: right. I also think it’s okay for kids to get to learn how to entertain themselves. That should be expected. I, I, I mean, I can remember, you know, running around for hours and not being accounted for. I mean, I mean, I, I was probably on the extreme, I mean, I did not have a lot of supervision, which is probably not good, but, I mean, I think, I think kids nowadays can use a little freedom and that’s good for them.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I think they need to be able to take risks and find their boundaries and just play.
Marly McMillen: That’s exactly right. So it sounds like as a result, are you able to still, you know, work in a way that you’re reaching your goals? Or do you have you had to adjust that a little bit?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I’m still able to work pretty well. They’re a little older. The youngest is. Four and a half. So they’re kind of independent and the teachers have been amazing sending work for them to do. It’s been going okay.
Marly McMillen: I mean, homeschooling is another thing that I think has evolved over the years. I think it seems to me like early on [00:27:00] homeschooling was. Just for like super religious people, but now it seems like homeschooling has expanded to include all kinds of curriculum and obviously schools are now public schools are even doing it now.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. All sorts of people are doing it.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. So I just love that there are, there’s so many options for people to consider, you know, curriculum at home. It’s kind of cool. It’s a nice option.
Lindsay Moe: And I loved it. I’m disappointed a little bit that it’s maybe eventually coming to an end, but public schools. Good too.
Marly McMillen: That’s right. That’s right. There is something to be said, I guess, for the socialization, the other things that happen at a public school opportunities and things like that. But I have found for myself, like my traffic goals are actually like, I have a document. I can see it right now. It’s. Just got my goals for 2020, and it’s some of it’s about traffic and some of it’s about it’s about revenue and some of it’s about other things, but I have found that my traffic area is doing really well, but my, [00:28:00] my revenue area is not.
And I’ve just decided that during this time to keep my sanity and to keep my happiness level high, I’m just going to continue to focus on the traffic side, because that seems to be working for me. I’m not like ignoring revenue, but I’m just, I’m not going to be flustered by it. Let me just say that.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I feel lucky that the decrease in revenue and the increase in traffic have kind of balanced out. So my income hasn’t really been affected, but I’ve had a few conversations with other bloggers who are seeing record traffic and they feel great about it, but they don’t feel like they can say anything about it because it took such a negative thing.
For it to happen, but I think it’s important to still celebrate those wins for yourself and your business.
Marly McMillen: Absolutely. Yes. I mean, we’ve got more people at home cooking. I mean, that’s, I agree. I think this is I’m sad of what we’re going through, but if we can take away the positive stress of it, I think that’s huge. And I think the fact that more people are home cooking is awesome.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, we’re doing what we always wanted to [00:29:00] do. We’re helping people, we’re getting them in the kitchen and helping them feed their families.
Marly McMillen: Right. I think one thing I’ve done. Another thing that I’ve done too is I’ve tried to go through some of my trickier recipes and make sure I include lots of substitutes because, you know, it’s not as easy just to run up to the store these days and go grab some silken tofu or whatever. And so I’m trying to, to provide some options for people.
I don’t know if you’ve done anything like that as well.
Lindsay Moe: I haven’t most of my recipes, I try to give four or five customization options anyways. So I feel like they have some options, but that’s a good idea to go back and double check.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, exactly. So it sounds like you you’ve had, you know, your kids are a little bit older at this point are able to get your work done at the same in their understanding that the great thing is too. You’ve got a lot of great tests, taste testers, huh?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, they love when it’s recipe day and they get to try new things and that’s
Marly McMillen: Yeah, I was going to ask you that. Do you do work segmenting like that? Where you, I mean, how do you stay organized with all of [00:30:00] this?
Lindsay Moe: So I try to batch my videos, especially I’ll have like a shoot day and I’ve found I can’t do more than two or three in a day, or the quality starts to suffer. I get too tired. I’m like, forget it. Let’s just get it done. So I need to limit how many I do with that. But I definitely like to batch that because I don’t have a dedicated space for my lights set up and I’ll try to shoot photography wise.
I’ll try to shoot, a couple recipes at a time if I can. So then I won’t have to do it again for a couple of weeks. And if I get the chance to batch other work, like editing the photos, I feel like it helps not to have to switch between tasks.
Marly McMillen: So you have these days where you’re, you’re shooting either, you know, the, the food in some way, shape or form, whether it’s video or, or photography, but then the rest of the time you’re spending kind of like editing and writing posts and things like that.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I actually have quite a few freelance [00:31:00] clients too, that I shoot videos for and some photography. And I do video editing for people who don’t need help with shooting also. So I spend a lot of time. At the computer dealing with that sort of thing.
Marly McMillen: I see. So people who have, they maybe have shot their own video, they send it to you and you edited it for them. Nice. I have, I I’m trying to think. I think it’s, Brandy Crawford here in Kansas city and she does that. She shoots her own video, but then she sends it to somebody else who audits, who edits it.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I think it’s a great option. I try to outsource as many things for my blog as I can. I’m a big believer in that because I mean, I went to college to be a video editor essentially. And other people go to college to be a graphic designer or a writer. And we can’t expect ourselves to be able to do all the things so well, it’s okay to unload it a little bit.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. It’s in fact it’s like you were saying before, it kind of [00:32:00] frees up your brain space. To do the things that you do well to do those better. You imagine if you didn’t do that, would you just be like, ah, but you know, pulling your hair out or something? Yes. I’m a big fan of segmenting your work like that.
So that kind of batting, I think, is the term that people use. And that seems to work really well for you.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I think so. I can’t think off the top of my head, like exactly which days I do, which things that always kind of falls different, but I haven’t been doing more than like to video or photography shoots a month. So I think it’s been working out pretty well.
Marly McMillen: That’s great. Can you talk about the, I mean, you don’t have to go into any great detail, but I mean, I noticed on your about page, you’ve got several different areas where you’re. Working with people like sponsored posts. Is there, do, would you call these kind of buckets, you know, the type of monetization that you have for your blog?
Can you describe that?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. So I do ads with media vine, and I would say. About equal with that is [00:33:00] freelance work and sponsored posts have completely fallen off the map for me this year. I don’t, I don’t know what was happening in January and February, but certainly it’s understandable now, but I was planning to do more of that this year, but I think it’s okay that I’m not, I feel like sponsored posts are a lot of work and, you know, just kind of disrupt the workflow.
And then I have a very small amount of affiliate income.
Marly McMillen: Yes. And I noticed that you mentioned there that reviewing products, I’m always curious about how people handle that. What do you do? I mean, I’m sure you’re the same way that you get a bunch of brands that reach out and say, would you like to try our new product or whatever? I’m curious how you respond to those.
Lindsay Moe: If it’s something that seems like a good fit, I’ll say. Yes, feel free to send it, but I can’t guarantee a spot in my content calendar unless I’m receiving compensation. And I actually had a brand send me something a couple of months ago and I tried it and I [00:34:00] didn’t like it. And they were still emailing me saying, when are we going to see it on your social media?
And I had to say, I’m sorry, I’d rather say nothing than something negative. So unfortunately you won’t be seeing it.
Marly McMillen: That’s right. I think I’m. Social media post is always a good way. Like, well not, I agree with you if you don’t like it. I, you know, w what is the point of putting that out there? Because it’s just your personal taste or whatever, but if there’s a product I like, and they’re not willing to pay, but it’s a product I’m really interested in.
I might go ahead and accept it in an exchange. I might like link out linked to, or, you know, do a Instagram story about it or something like that. Is that how you kind of handle that?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, Instagram stories are the only place where.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. I always feel conflicted because there are these products that I think look interesting and I would really like to try them, but I’m always curious how people handle those kinds of things, because you know, you see so many bloggers who are like, don’t ever [00:35:00] accept anything for free. And it’s like, well, sometimes you want to get started with, you know, maybe it helps to, you know, if there’s a, a sponsored post down the path that has to start somewhere.
So, yeah. Okay, good. I’m glad to hear you say that. I’m with you on, on sponsored posts. Although I just personally have just decided, I just don’t really like him, so I I’m really happy if they, they don’t come my way or I don’t want to do them anymore.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, it’s been a little refreshing this year or not doing any, but it is nice to get paid for something when you would be posting anyways.
Marly McMillen: That’s true. That is a very good point. And who knows, maybe, maybe they’re going to come back, you know, when, when things kind of get back to normal, there’s a good possibility that there there’ll be more sponsored posts as a result, and maybe they’ll come back in a different way and it’ll be better.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah.
Marly McMillen: So I know that you started a YouTube channel.
I would love to chat with you about that. Your YouTube channel is really about how to edit videos. Is that right?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I felt like that was a really underserved pain point for people. You know, everybody has been saying for [00:36:00] a couple years, video is the future. You have to be doing video. And a few people have come out, you know, teaching how to shoot videos and kind of the basics of. How to edit them and get it done.
But I felt like I had a lot of tips just sitting around in my brain of how people could do it so much easier and faster. And I hear so many people talk about how frustrated they are trying to learn how to edit videos and just get it done. And it’s eating up all their time that I wanted to get it out there.
And I’ve been wanting to do it for a long time. So I’m excited that it’s finally here.
Marly McMillen: What’s the name of your channel?
Lindsay Moe: It’s Wildflour Media. Flour, like the food, not a beautiful flower. But I don’t have the ending of the YouTube channel – it isn’t my name yet. It’s just a bunch of numbers and characters, but if you go to, you can, I kind of find it there or it’s on Facebook and Instagram.
Marly McMillen: So people can go there to really have a better understanding [00:37:00] of, of creating food videos and editing them.
Lindsay Moe: Yep. I’ll probably expand into shooting once I get all my editing tips out of my brain, but for now it’s things that I think people just don’t even realize are right there at their fingertips when they’re editing, that can make things so much easier.
Marly McMillen: Do you have a preferred editing platform that you’re using?
Lindsay Moe: Yep. All my tutorials are in Adobe, premier pro. I find that it’s pretty easy to use, and most people are already using Photoshop or Lightroom for their photos anyways. So you can just get the bundle and it’s right there.
Marly McMillen: I love that. And so I heard you say earlier that you’re really just doing video on select posts these days, not on every post and you think that’s probably a good way for people to go about that.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I think either doing it for your top traffic posts or if you can figure out which platforms want, what type of [00:38:00] video, you know, what type of recipe to see in a video? I think that’s really useful.
Marly McMillen: So yes. Going to Google analytics and figuring out which are your top posts, maybe it start with your top 10 and then expand to the top 20. But those posts for sure should use it. Should have a video.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, especially if you’re doing ads, video can add a huge boost in revenue.
Marly McMillen: And, you know, that’s a great, a great point, Lindsay, because you can actually go, like we’re both on media vine, so you can go to the media vine dashboard and you can see, well, the new dashboard that they’re coming out with actually tells you the viewability for each post. I think I would wonder if you could then just use your own site as an experiment and you could see the ones that have video and ones that don’t, if there’s a greater viewability score.
Lindsay Moe: And I’ve, I’ve found, it’s really helped my views on Pinterest. So I had probably 1 million monthly views, you know, however they decide what that is. And then I [00:39:00] started regularly pinning my video pins and I increased that to 4 million, which felt like a huge jump. Yeah. And all my top pins are my video pins.
I can’t even hardly find a regular pin when I go through my analytics.
Marly McMillen: Oh, that’s awesome. And can we talk with us for a second about how you do your video pins? Because, I mean, the one that I’ve heard the most about is using something like PowerPoint, or, I mean, if you’re on a Mac it’s, Keynote where you, you have the video on top and a, a still image on the bottom and some texts in between, is that kinda what you do?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. So I actually have a tutorial coming out next week for how to create video pins in Premier, but I do a square video on top and a square photo on the bottom. I don’t do any texts and it’s kind of strange because if you look on Pinterest, if you search for a recipe and they’ll suggest some videos, Up at the top, it’s a square video and they just take the middle of the video.
So all my pins are half a video [00:40:00] and half a photo. And I don’t know if that just intrigues people that then they want to click on it and see the whole thing or what, but it seems to be doing really well. Now that I have, you know, all my videos. Pinned. I planned to go back and experiment with some other formats to see if they do better.
I have experimented with just a single square video or the video in the middle. And I’ve definitely found that just a single square video doesn’t do as well. But the video in the middle might be okay.
Marly McMillen: Wow. I cannot wait for your video to come out now. I’m really excited to see that.
Lindsay Moe: Well, it’s so easy. It feels like hardly even anything, but I think.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. But something that may seem easy to you might be because it’s in your zone of genius and for the rest of us, it’s like, what? So you’re going to be very helpful.
Lindsay Moe: I hope so.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. So maybe by the time this is aired, your video will be out so we can link to it in the show notes page. Yes. I love that. That’s great.
I mean, I’m just curious about, with everything that you’re [00:41:00] doing, how do you stay organized? Do you, I mean, I’m like the spreadsheet person. I love spreadsheets, but do you, do you have like a system that you use.
Lindsay Moe: I wish I was a little more organized. I have a million poorly organized spreadsheets for a lot of different things. I’m a planner person, so I just make a huge to do list for every day.
Marly McMillen: I have a planner as well. I have a physical planner in addition to my spreadsheets, because I need to be physical. I need to like write these things down, but what let’s say, like, let’s say you have a list of 20 things to do today and you only got 17 of them done. Do you then write those three things on tomorrow?
Lindsay Moe: Usually a, if it’ll work on tomorrow, I’ll write it in tomorrow. But sometimes I write things in that I already did just so I can check it off and feel good about it.
Marly McMillen: I do that too.
Lindsay Moe: But I also try to pick like a top three for every day. Like these are the three things that need to happen. I need to get it done. And if the rest of it doesn’t it’s okay.
It can wait, even if it doesn’t feel great, it’ll be okay.
Marly McMillen: You think that [00:42:00] gives you the, the accountability, like, cause as you were saying, when you’re working for yourself from home, it’s easy to be too flexible with yourself. So is it like the act of writing it down in this planner that helps you really stay on top of it?
Lindsay Moe: I’m very forgetful. So I find writing things down physically really helps me kind of get it out of my brain. And then I don’t have to like, keep telling myself, you have to do this. You have to do that. And I can just let it go and come back to my planner and say, Oh yeah, I have to do that thing today.
Marly McMillen: Oh, my God, I am the same way. Lindsey. If I don’t have things written down, I can sit down at my computer and be like la-tee-dah, I think I’ve got everything done today. Like, are you crazy? No, I’ve got a thousand things to do, but I don’t have them in front of me on the list. Cause I don’t know. That’s just, I feel the same way as all I’m saying.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, there’s and there’s always more to do. I’m trying to convince myself to take a couple of weeks off posting recipes on my blog so I can get to some of the more boring technical kind of backend SEO things that have been nagging at me for a while.
[00:43:00] Marly McMillen: Well, I think you have evidence from that, however long it was that you were away from blogging, that your traffic was fine. And we are kind of going into that period of time where traffic might have a tendency to go down anyway. So I think giving yourself a couple of weeks would be fine.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I don’t know why it’s so hard though. Maybe I’m just too routine driven that it’s like, I need to do this on this day.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. Otherwise you feel kind of guilty, huh?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. Just uncomfortable.
Marly McMillen: This performance guru that I was telling you about this podcast, where he was talking about, he was actually talking to a musician who was getting ready to do a really huge audition. And he was just this performance guru was talking about the importance of giving yourself, you know, a break.
And then like his point was like a prize champion boxer two weeks before the big match or whatever they call them, whatever, I guess they call them a boxing match. So it’s the matches, right? They don’t. They don’t box. They stay away from boxing and do other things, but they don’t do that. So his point was like, give yourself some grace every now and then you need to have a break from the everyday work that you’re doing.
[00:44:00] Lindsay Moe: Yeah. I think it’s especially hard working for yourself to make yourself take a vacation day or week.
Marly McMillen: Yup. Yes. I wonder if, how would feel if we scheduled that into our schedule? Like I actually thought about like June is a good month because June is not as busy of a timeframe that I might try to get myself some more days off in that month. And like work really hard in May to June be this really fun, flexible month.
I don’t know. It’s a thought.
Lindsay Moe: You should do it.
Marly McMillen: Okay. I think you should do your two weeks off
Lindsay Moe: Everyone should do it. If we all took two weeks off at the same time.
Marly McMillen: It’d be a food blogger vacation. Oh, my gawd. We would totally post about it. Here’s what I’m doing on my food blogger, “vacay”. It would totally be counterproductive. Okay. So let’s talk a little bit about editorial planning since we’re on this topic of organization, do you like plan out content or, you know, like a goal of content [00:45:00] for months at a time?
Or how do you do that?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I use just Google calendar and I kind of pencil in my plans and then I move them around as things change, but I feel like I have so many ideas. I need to get out there and keep track of that. I’ll just put them down and I think I have like three months. Ahead figured out and it changes it doesn’t get set in stone, but it helps to know what I need to be testing what I need to be shooting.
Marly McMillen: Yes. I feel the same way. And I feel like I’m, I recorded a year or two ago, an episode on my recipe week and how I work around this spreadsheet. And I think maybe it sounded a little too rigid. Like I’ve got this process all worked out in reality. I am like you I’m a little bit, I do have this spreadsheet where I keep track of the recipes that I’m working on.
And I have these like four or five elements that I try to do over every recipe. And. Tracks that percent done that I am. So that for me feels really good. I can go in there now and I know that I’m 80% done. It’s like, Oh, that’s so, I’m so close to being done. [00:46:00] But I also move things around too. I just to be completely honest, like I’ve just finding some recipes.
I just don’t really do it for me. They’re just not turning my Craig. So I just have to eventually just move it off the list and move something else in. Or having a flexibility is good.
Lindsay Moe: I need to get that percentage tracker figured out that sounds motivating and fun.
Marly McMillen: It is so fun. It just, I don’t know why just having that number come up at me that says you’re 80% done or whatever. It’s like, yes. Just keep, you know, I feel like Dora, is it Dory? But just keeps with me. What do we do? Let’s keep doing it. Yeah. Okay. So, I love this, that you, you have a plan, but you’re flexible.
You also love routines. I mean, it sounds to me like I can kind of visualize what working with Lindsey would feel like. That’s good. Okay. So I love to ask this question too. So tell me if you were talking to somebody today that was just getting ready to start their food blog and they were really excited about [00:47:00] it or whatever, or maybe they were cautiously optimistic or whatever.
What, what would be the advice that you would give to that person?
Lindsay Moe: I would probably say, just start, it’s not going to be perfect. You’re not going to get a certain number of posts up that are gonna. Hit just right. You know, you just have to dive into it and you’ll learn as you go. You’ll always get better. Join some Facebook groups. I feel like any question you have, the information is right there for you.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, that’s a great advice. And I’m those Facebook groups have been so invaluable. I’ll leave a link to a couple of them in the show notes pages for people who are interested, but they they’re very helpful, but I would always encourage everybody to not ask a question without first searching that Facebook group to see if that question’s already been asked.
Lindsay Moe: That’s true because it probably has, because you’re not alone. Everybody has questions and wants to know the answer. And I actually started a Facebook group, to go along with my YouTube channel and that’s food, video [00:48:00] photography and editing on Facebook.
Marly McMillen: Send me the link to that. And I’ll put that in the show notes page as well. I love that. Okay. So I have these fun questions. I like to ask at the end of the interview. Are you game?
Lindsay Moe: Yeah.
Marly McMillen: Okay. Let’s do it. Okay. Well we know we’re food bloggers, so I just have to ask what’s your favorite food?
Lindsay Moe: Oh, man, whatever I say, I know I’m going to think about later and be like, Oh no, I liked this other food better, but I eat avocados all the time. I love avocados. And when I was. Pregnant with one of my kids. I couldn’t eat them. They made me sick to my stomach for some reason. And I told my husband, if I can’t ever eat avocados again, I’m going to have to get like an avocado tattoo or something because I need them with me all the time,
Marly McMillen: Oh my gawd. That would be
Lindsay Moe: a
Marly McMillen: cute tattoo.
Lindsay Moe: Maybe I still will someday. I don’t know.
Marly McMillen: Did you see that pregnancy? it’s like a costume for Halloween where they make their belly look like an avocado pit and they wear the green [00:49:00] around it. Oh, so cute. Did you ever do that?
Lindsay Moe: no,
Marly McMillen: Oh,
Lindsay Moe: I’m not much of a Halloween costume person.
Marly McMillen: I’m not either. Really? Yeah. I think, I think we, we do the Chipotle “Boorito” and I put on my graduation outfit, my gown.
Lindsay Moe: That’s a good idea.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. So, I think whether you can eat avocados again or not, the avocado tattoo sounds awesome.
Lindsay Moe: It would be hard to find just the right one. I mean, do you go cute with it? Do you go realistic? I don’t know.
Marly McMillen: Yes, but it would be fun to do some research on, an avocado tattoo and see which one really jumps out at you. I think of a former guest on the podcast, Emma she’s with a beautiful mess and she has a big pineapple tattoo on her forearm. And it’s just beaut. It’s gorgeous. It’s so colorful. And I love it.
Lindsay Moe: That does sound great. I’ve been hesitant to think about tattoos on my arms, [00:50:00] just with doing freelance work. I don’t know how that would work out. I guess I could wear sleeves,
Marly McMillen: I see all kinds of tattoos in people’s, video work or, or, I mean, I, I have a tattoo on my arm, my daughter, and I got matching tattoos. And so I don’t know, I find it looks even more interesting, but that’s just me. It’s I also wear a ring on my thumb and I think that kind of is interesting too. I don’t know.
I think people find it interesting.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. Just if you’re doing it for someone else and maybe it’s not supposed to be me in the video.
Marly McMillen: I got you. If it’s, if you’re doing it for somebody else, that’s the difference. So I guess you could just wear a long sleeve shirt that day. Yeah. Oh, well, anyway, so back to avocados, cause I’m kind of curious how you’re getting those these days. Are you, are you shopping still yourself or do you use, like, we just started using Instacart and it was kinda cool.
Lindsay Moe: I am still shopping myself. I’m I usually go once a week, grocery shopping, but with all that’s going on, I’m trying to go once every two weeks, which has definitely been a huge adjustment for us, but we haven’t had trouble getting avocados. I can still get a whole lot of them. And [00:51:00] I find they last for two weeks.
I just ate one today that I bought. Two weeks ago. So
Marly McMillen: Oh, that’s great. My frustrating thing is bananas because I absolutely love bananas, but I like them fresh and it seems like I’ll buy like three bunches on, they all ripe in the same day, you know? Okay. Yeah. I I’m more like you were trying to just go less frequently, to the grocery store. I just, I realized how much money we spend on food and time.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. A two week grocery trip for six people. The cost is horrifying. I can’t even handle it, but I did try Instacart for the first time, just the other day, just for a small order, I needed a couple more things and I was like, we’ll try it. And it was good.
Marly McMillen: Yeah, I think it’s, it’s, it works. And I have just found the grocery stores to be the places where people are the least accommodating of, of a six foot parameter. So that’s, that’s why I, we go to Costco and I find that’s better. Cause maybe cause the aisles are so wide and I did hear somebody say that our local grocery store, they just recently made the aisles one way.
[00:52:00] Lindsay Moe: Oh, that’s a good idea.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. So that’s, that’s gotta be an improvement, but I, I just did not. I found myself feeling kind of stressed out. I think I’m going to get agoraphobia or something after this. I’m sure of it.
Lindsay Moe: It’s going to be hard to go back.
Marly McMillen: I’d be like, get out of my space, you know, hopefully we’ll all be okay after this, but I don’t know. There will be some things that will be really different. Yeah. Okay. So what’s the favorite app on your phone?
Lindsay Moe: Oh, man. I recently found out that not everyone has this app, which I think is weird because I love it. But it’s the Google app. I just, Oh, I just use it. I open it up and you can search. It’s just Google search and. If you’re not searching, it has news. I get tons of news there and I love it. I had a problem with the ads not showing up right on my website.
And so I contacted Mediavine and they were like, well, what browser are you in? And I told them the Google app. And they were like, what is that? You shouldn’t be on a website in that. And I was like, [00:53:00] Oh, but I love it.
Marly McMillen: Oh,
Lindsay Moe: So they weren’t that interested in fixing it because it turns out nobody uses it. But I like it.
Marly McMillen: well, they probably use it there, but not for that purpose, like for going to a site.
Lindsay Moe: it’s exclusively search. I mean, you open it up and it looks like the Google homepage. You just search. I never use like the internet browser on my phone. I always use the Google app.
Marly McMillen: Oh, I’m I don’t have the Google app right now, but I think I’m going to check it out. And that’s where you also can use voice right there. There’s a lot of voice activation. I think my husband has it.
Lindsay Moe: Yeah. Maybe I haven’t looked into that.
Marly McMillen: Yeah. I’m pretty sure on the, on the app version of it, it has a voice activation where you can ask questions that way, kind of like Siri.
Yeah, well, that’s cool. I like that. It’s different too. So that was, that was a fun one. Okay. You, I don’t know. I say this of everybody, but you really sound like you’re too busy. I can’t even imagine that you have time, but if you have time for reading or TV at all, and if you do, what’s your favorite?
Lindsay Moe: I do both, some friends and I actually started a book club a couple of years ago. We [00:54:00] only read like one book a year, but right now we’re reading a book called there. I am by Ruthie Lindsey. And it’s her account of, she was in a terrible accident when she was a teenager. And. I guess that’s, as far as I am in the book so far, I don’t know what’s going to happen after that, but that’s the extent of my reading right now.
I definitely make time for TV every day. That’s the only way I’ve found that I can really shut my brain off. Like I’m such an over thinker and achiever and Dewar that if I’m not sitting in front of the TV, watching something, I’m going to be trying to do something. I probably do. I don’t know. We watch a lot of stuff. I just finished little fires everywhere on Hulu, which was kind of fun.
Marly McMillen: I don’t think I know that one.
Lindsay Moe: It has, Reese Witherspoon and
Marly McMillen: I love her.
Lindsay Moe: I can’t remember the other people’s names, but it has Joshua Jackson. He was like my childhood crush and his Dawson’s Creek [00:55:00] days. So that’s fun.
Marly McMillen: We just finished For All Mankind. It’s Apple TV is offering some free shows right now and that one was in there. It’s about NASA and, Oh my gawd. I freaking love that show. It’s one of my favorite shows, so
Lindsay Moe: Yeah, I’ll have to check that out. It sounds much smarter than my TV viewing.
Marly McMillen: Oh, no, no. I don’t know about that. I, my daughter went to Space Camp, the one in Huntsville, Alabama, for several years, she was like determined to be an astronaut. She wanted to go to Mars, all that stuff. But I mean, of course some of that obviously has changed. She’s a musician now, so, but, but the whole concept of this show is something that I have been.
Let me just say, this I’ve been complaining about for years, which is how come you can watch these shows. That’s based on historical fiction. It’s a historical fiction kind of show. So it’s based on historical facts, but they changed some things, but they won’t change things like how women are shown in the culture or they won’t show how minorities are shown in the culture.
They continued those [00:56:00] kinds of things, but they don’t continue other things. So I think why don’t they change those? And they did that in the show. So it’s, that’s why it’s so good. Yes.
Lindsay Moe: That’s interesting.
Marly McMillen: So if you have young daughters, I would think they have to watch a show. It’s that good.
Lindsay Moe: Oh, cool.
Marly McMillen: Yes. anyway, so that’s good.
Okay. So I love that, that you get some time in and you use TV as a tool to kind of help you maybe like turn off the day and get ready for the next one kind of thing. I love that. Okay. Lindsay, tell me how can people find you online?
Lindsay Moe: My blog is the Live-in and you can find me on Facebook and Instagram as the Live-In Kitchen. Pinterest is Live-in Kitchen. No, “the”. And if you’re interested in my video editing tips or with working with me to create videos or edit videos, you can find me at That’s flour like the food.
And I am Wildflour Media on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. [00:57:00] And we also have a Facebook group called food, video, photography and editing.
Marly McMillen: I love it, Lindsey. I had such a great time talking with you today. Thanks for joining me.
Lindsay Moe: Thanks for having me, Marly. This was fun.