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Are you pulling your hair out because of SEO? If so, you will love this discussion with Megan Clarke on SEO Myth Busters! There are a lot of myths about SEO when it comes to food blogging. Megan tackles these myths with panache and a little bit of fun too!

A woman sitting in a brown chair. This text reads on the image: Megan Clarke of Clapping Dog Media.

About Megan Clarke

Megan started the Clapping Dog Media agency.

SEO Myth Busters

Megan wants to address the common myths about SEO. Why? Because oftentimes these myths will keep a blogger from even trying to take on SEO. But the truth is, you can have the best content in the world, but without the technical knowledge it may never get the light of day.

That’s a little tough love right there. But there’s truth there too.

So, let’s address the myths, one by one.

Myth #1: SEO is Constantly Changing

The #1 SEO myth is that SEO is constantly changing. Why is this a problem? Because it can cause you to feel like you don’t need to pay attention to it because if you learn about it today, next week it will change.

And it’s true. Some things about SEO that are constantly changing. However, the heart and soul of SEO? It’s constant! Megan said, “Google’s main mission is to match a really great website with every search result.”

In fact, some of the metrics Google uses to help match a searcher with the best content is really old school. For example, they will monitor how much time a user spends on a page (referred to as dwell time). And how many pages the visitor goes to while they’re on your site. These are two indicators of a high quality site.

Myth #2: SEO is Really Hard

There are some SEO experts out there who would have you think that SEO is really, really hard. In fact, you have to hire someone to do it. Megan says that SEO is simply a layer of your business and a way you think about your website.

It can help to hire someone to help train you to understand it better, but you should be able to do it on your own. Megan said, “good business is good SEO.”

Myth #3: Social Media Doesn’t Matter

Some people say that Social media doesn’t matter. However, Megan said that social media has an indirect relationship with SEO. If you’re growing in engagement on Instagram or Pinterest, they will rank you higher than another site that is not as engaged. Besides, it’s a great way to meet new people.

Your goal is that when they come to your site, they fall in love with you and want to stay around!

This was such an inspirational conversation with Megan!

Show Notes

Here are some important links and notes from today’s show on SEO Myths with Megan Clarke.