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A lot of food bloggers are familiar with StumbleUpon as a great way of helping your blog have a greater reach. That can translate into some serious traffic for bloggers. However, like any social media platform, you need to know the lay of the land in order earn the best rewards, including greater opportunity to connect with a larger audience. Check out these tips on StumbleUpon Marketing for Food Bloggers with Andrew Levine, Head of Business Development and Partnerships at StumbleUpon and 5by.
I’m so pleased to share with you my conversation with Andrew Levine about how food bloggers can use StumbleUpon and their Stumble Bloggers program to help market their content and grow their audience.
We’re really pumped to do some things in the food space [on StumbleUpon]. We think that there’s almost limitless potential in food. There’s some major plans under way to do some great food programs with a bevy of some pretty incredible partners. — Andrew Levine, Head of Business Partners, StumbleUpon
If you’ve been hesitant to start with StumbleUpon or to get back into it, now would be a great time to dive in. Andrew talks about how the new programs that are geared toward food bloggers that can be really helpful. StumbleUpon is really looking to develop community with bloggers – so this is a great time to learn more about it!
Featured Content – StumbleUpon Marketing for Food Bloggers with Andrew Levine
Here are some of the highlights of my discussion with Andrew:
- Andrew’s experience that landed him the position with StumbleUpon
- How StumbleUpon has evolved from an exclusive end-user tool to something used by bloggers/publishers
- Tips for using StumbleUpon for food bloggers
- StumbleUpon Partner Playbook is recommended for people who are new to using StumbleUpon
- Check out more about the StumbleUpon Ads Program for Bloggers
- How bloggers can use ads to grow their audience on StumbleUpon. See below for your chance to win a StumbleUpon Ads gift card.
- Ways you can share your favorite Stumbles on other social media platforms
- Andrew’s great story about meeting his name buddy, Adam Levine
Show Notes
This episode includes references to several resources you might find interesting. Here they are:
- Learn more about today’s guest, Andrew Levine and connect with him on LinkedIn.
- Why not give Andrew a shout-out on Twitter and say thanks for the Chopped Podcast interview.
- Here’s links to Andrew’s favorite online resources: Digiday, AdWeek, AdAge, Inc, Fast Company, and Entrepreneur Magazine.
- Andrew and I talk about StumbleUpon Lists. I mention my list Favorite Food as an example. Check it out if you haven’t had much experience with StumbleUpon lists yet.
- Andrew also recommends This as a new social media site.
- If you’re on StumbleUpon, let’s be friends! You can reach out to me, Namely Marly on StumbleUpon. It’d make my day!
- Learn about future Chopped Podcast episodes by subscribing to the ChoppedCon newsletter. Just add your email in the subscribe section at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
The next episode of Chopped Podcast will feature an interview with Philia Kelnhofer of the blog Sweet Phi (pronounced Fee). Phi and I talk about being happily employed while maintaining a professional food blog. That’s right, we’re changing the metrics of success – if you love food blogging but love your job too, this episode is for you. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure you don’t miss it!
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Thanks so much for listening to today’s podcast. I hope you found it informative and helpful to the work you do every day. Make sure you don’t miss out on any of the Chopped Podcast episodes by heading on over to iTunes to subscribe to the Chopped Podcast. While you’re there, provide a review and rating is a great way to help other podcast listeners find it too! That’s it for today’s podcast. As always, thanks so much for joining in the discussion!
The Giveaway
As mentioned in the show, we’re giving away a $50 StumbleUpon Advertising gift card to one lucky listener. Leave a comment below to be entered to win. If you’ve been tempted to try StumbleUpon Advertising, this is a great opportunity to give it a try! The giveaway ends on April 7, so enter today!
5 Responses to Ep #7: StumbleUpon Marketing for Food Bloggers with Andrew Levine