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It seems like everyone who starts a food blog dreams of someday writing a cookbook. Or maybe some other book with some kind of focus on food. If that happens to describe you, then you’re in luck because today we’re talking about Tips for Getting a Book Deal with blogger and author Megan Gilmore. Turn your passion for food into something more and listen on!
If you have even the tiniest seed of an idea to write a book, it can be an exciting thought. However, it’s the hard work that’s required to turn that dream into reality that can get a little sticky. You may have the beginnings of a beautiful and rewarding project on your hands, but how will you know if you don’t take action on it? The question is: what are the steps involved to make your dream a reality?
Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. — Stephen King
If you’re willing to commit a little time to your dream of writing a book, Megan Gilmore is here talking about some of the tips she’s learned in going through this process herself. She shares both the triumphs and the struggles of finding an agent, a publisher, and all the recipe preparation and promotion that led to her now-published book, Everyday Detox.
When somebody tells me I'm bad at something, that's usually when I'm motivated to improve. — Megan Gilmore #choppedcon Share on XMegan provides a lot of encouragement to bloggers who may be thinking about creating a cookbook. She shares how she originally looked at her blog as a hobby, but as her site grew and then she published the book, the two were very synergistic. Publishing the book actually helped increase her reach.
At first you think the end game is getting the cookbook, but then really I had so many people who bought the cookbook who had no idea who I was. And then, all of a sudden, the cookbook brought people to my website and it’s just this really awesome thing that feeds itself. — Megan Gilmore
Megan also shares some of her favorite blogging tips as well. Learn more about tips for getting a book deal today!
Featured Content – Tips for Getting a Book Deal with Megan Gilmore
Here are some of the highlights of my discussion with Megan, where we discuss:
- Why Megan started her food blog Detoxinista
- How Megan moved from the midwest to California with all her belongings packed in her car
- How Megan transformed her diet from junkfoodista to detoxinista!
- Megan talks about the progression of her food photography skills
- Megan shares how she loves hearing from her readers
- How Megan grew her blog an approach to getting a book deal
- The steps Megan went through in publishing her book
- Megan’s approach to having it all – book, baby, blog, job, and more!
Show Notes
This episode includes references to some resources you might find interesting. Here they are:
- Check out Megn’s site: Detoxinista
- Give a shout-out to Megan and connect with her via Twitter and Instagram!
- Marly mentions the Chopped Podcast episode with Matt Armendariz talking about improving your food photography skills
- Marly talks about the writing tool Scrivener
- Megan’s favorite app on her phone is Waze, which incidentally is also Cara’s favorite app…who is also from southern California. Interesting coincidence, eh?
- Connect with Chopped Academy Online: Instagram | Twitter
- Connect with Marly: Namely Marly | Instagram | Twitter
- Production, music, graphic art & sound design by Shawn Beelman
- Learn about future Chopped Podcast episodes by subscribing to the ChoppedCon newsletter. Just add your email in the subscribe section at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
- Tickets for the 2015 Chopped Conference are available. You can also attend a Food Photography Workshop with Matt Armendariz or participate in the dynamic Food Blog Success Summit. Take your food blog to the next level…learn more and buy your tickets today!
- Next week’s podcast episode will feature Amber Bridegirdle of Food Fanatic and we’re talking about some awesome SEO Hacks for Food Bloggers. Subscribe today so you won’t miss it!
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