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When you first start your food blog you’re full of passion for the recipes you’re creating and the idea of sharing them with others. It’s a great place to be. But it doesn’t take long before you learn about search engine optimization, affectionately known as SEO, and keywords, and all these technical terms. The next thing you know you can find yourself so involved in the tech side of blogging that you begin to overthink things too much. It can definitely be a kill joy to your passion. SEO is a popular topic with food bloggers. I talked with Hauke Fox about SEO for food bloggers. And Amber Bracegirdle has an important message about SEO as well: SEO doesn’t have to be hard! She’s on the podcast today talking about SEO Hacks for Food Bloggers. Listen in and bring the joy back to your food blog!

Amber Bracegirdle is the next guest on the Chopped Podcast, talking about SEO Hacks for Food Bloggers

If you’ve felt a little mired down in the muck otherwise known as SEO, today’s guest, Amber Bracegirdle has a message for you, SEO doesn’t have to be that hard.

People think that SEO is this big, hard, horrible thing to learn and really what it is, is it’s actually thinking of your own website as a catalog of products and whenever you can naturally work in mentioning another one of your products into what you’re writing about, that’s what you should do. — Amber Bracegirdle

A food blog has a lot of moving pieces and Amber breaks it down a little to help bloggers have a better understand of the things we can do to make our site more SEO-friendly. Amber encourages finding ways to naturally tie old content into new content, which can make the writing a lot easier as well.

She also encourages bloggers to consider their old content. Finding ways to breathe new life into old content — by linking to it in a new post, including it in a roundup, or even republishing it into your feed — can be a great way of helping you keep today’s content fresh.

We all need to get better about not making our posts just this one-time thing. — Amber Bracegirdle #choppedcon Share on X

Amber also talks about the importance of passion and why you should be including this in your blog. If you’ve found the best thing since sliced bread, but you’re a little embarrassed to be talking about sliced bread, get over it! That’s Amber’s approach and it’s also the way she coaches the contributors at Food Fanatic as well.

Your blog is your blog. Write what you want to write about. — Amber Bracegirlde #choppedcon Share on X Once you know the rules, it's very easy to write for SEO. — Amber Bracegirdle #choppedpodcast Share on X If you love doing something and you're holding back because of other people, to quote Oprah 'you're not living your best life.' — Amber Bracegirdle #choppedcon Share on X

Amber also shares some of her favorite blogging tips as well. Learn more about SEO Hacks for Food Bloggers today!

Featured Content – SEO Hacks for Food Bloggers with Amber Bracegirdle

Here are some of the highlights of my discussion with Amber, where we discuss:

  • The unusual circumstances that caused Amber to start her food blog
  • How Amber’s outspoken ways shaped her future!
  • Have you ever heard “Good Content Rules” and wondered what that means? Amber gives you some ideas of what that means.
  • Amber shares some of her favorite writing tips that ties in SEO as well
  • Amber shares her favorite ways of working in other posts in the one she’s working on for the day
  • Amber talks about how you can get inspiration from your old content
  • Amber talks about the importance of understanding social media sharing strategies
  • Edgar is one of Amber’s favorite social media sharing tools and she describes how she uses it
  • We talk about scheduling content for Instagram as well
  • Amber describes what she sees as the magic number of posts per week for a food blogger
  • Amber describes the importance of internal links and how they use them at Food Fanatic
  • Have you ever worried you might offend someone with a blog post? Amber talks about ways to share your passion while still being kind
  • Curious about whether or not to syndicate your content? Amber has some great advice on this!
  • Confused about keyword tools? Amber has a great tip for you.

Show Notes

This episode includes references to some resources you might find interesting. Here they are:


  1. Learn about future Chopped Podcast episodes by subscribing to the ChoppedCon newsletter. Just add your email in the subscribe section at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
  2. Tickets for the 2015 Chopped Conference are available. You can also attend a Food Photography Workshop with Matt Armendariz or participate in the dynamic Food Blog Success Summit. Take your food blog to the next level…learn more and buy your tickets today!
  3. Next week’s podcast episode will feature Traci York and we’re talking about work-life balance as a food blogger. Track York is the next guest on the Chopped PodcastSubscribe today so you won’t miss it!

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