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Sometimes maintaining your health goals as a food blogger can be such a challenge. Word! If you’re trying to watch your weight and yet your next photo shoot involves an indulgent chocolate chip cookie, willpower seems futile. All too often, the cookie wins the battle. I reached out to the expert on this topic, Liz Della Croce of the blog The Lemon Bowl to talk about this very thing. If you struggle with sticking to your health goals while working with food, you’re gonna love this episode of the Chopped Podcast!
If you love being a food blogger, but you hate having a life that seems to focus on food 24/7, then today’s podcast is for you. As food bloggers we’re thinking about food ALL. DAY. LONG. And you know? Sometimes that’s not such a bad deal. But if you’re like a lot of people and you’re trying to stick to your own personal health goals (i.e., keeping the muffin top on the muffin and off your waist), then sometimes thinking about food all day kinda sucks. Because it’s hard to look at pictures of cookies and not, well, you know, want a cookie!
I figured there might be a few others who struggle with the same thing so I did the only thing I could think of to do — I reached out to Liz Della Croce for help.
I’m very passionate about living a healthy, happy lifestyle and health is such an important part of that. — Liz Della Croce
One thing I really love about Liz is her passion for living a healthy lifestyle, even as a food blogger! She’s a voice for positivity on the topic. It’s not easy, but it is do-able. In fact, Liz not only gives some of her best tips for preventing food binge meltdowns in the middle of a photo shoot, but also why you want to keep your food consumption in check, i.e., motivation and self worth.
Food is such an easy, accessible way to lead a healthy lifestyle…by eating better food. — Liz Della Croce
Featured Content – Maintaining Personal Health Goals as a Food Blogger with Liz Della Croce
Here are some of the highlights of my discussion with Liz:
- How Liz lost 35 pounds and as a result friends and family asked her to start a blog.
- How Liz’s life reminds me so much of the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
- How Liz reached a lifelong goal of being on the Today Show!
- Liz’s approach to living a healthy life as a food blogger.
- Liz’s go-to motto: the 80/20 rule
- Her philosophy about portion control which helps you from feeling the need to overindulge
- Liz talks about her food blog in general and explains the importance of a diversified income portfolio for food bloggers.
- Why food bloggers should work to improve communication skills.
Show Notes
This episode includes references to several resources you might find interesting. Here they are:
- Learn more about today’s guests, Liz Della Croce her site, The Lemon Bowl.
- Liz talks about her post 5 Tips For Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus.
- Liz mentions her favorite app, DipTic, which allows her to take a few quick pics and put them in one square to share on Instagram.
- Why not give Liz a shout-out on Twitter or Instagram and say thanks for the Chopped Podcast interview.
- Today’s podcast was sponsored by Best Food Facts. If you have questions about the best way to cook your
veggies, or maybe you want to read about the latest on controversial food topics, then head over to to learn more about all things food straight from university experts!
- Learn about future Chopped Podcast episodes by subscribing to the ChoppedCon newsletter. Just add your email in the subscribe section at the bottom of this page. You’ll be glad you did!
The next episode of Chopped Podcast will feature an interview with Kathryne Taylor of the site Cookie + Kate. Kathryne and I talk about how she took the leap of becoming a full-time Food Blogger. Listen in on Kathryne’s tips on how to become a full-time food blogger. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure you don’t miss it!
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Thanks so much for listening to today’s podcast. I hope you found it informative and helpful to the work you do every day. Make sure you don’t miss out on any of the Chopped Podcast episodes by heading on over to iTunes to subscribe to the Chopped Podcast. While you’re there, provide a review and rating is a great way to help other podcast listeners find it too! That’s it for today’s podcast. As always, thanks so much for joining in the discussion!
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